Monday, April 26, 2010


On Jan. 17, 2008, 23-month-old Cyrus Belt was killed when a neighbor threw him from a bridge onto the H-1 freeway. The city of Honolulu was united in grief over the horrific murder of the young boy, whose all-too-brief and troubled life has since become the focus of intense scrutiny and debate. While some people scramble to assign blame, hundreds of others have quietly convened every day at the spot where Cyrus Belt was killed. While some people are picking apart the people in his life, hundreds of strangers are simply moved by his tragic death, building a remarkable makeshift memorial of flowers, balloons, toys, letters, and other offerings. The sprawling shrine to the toddler at the Miller Street pedestrian bridge has grown so large, local transportation officials are struggling to balance Honolulu's need to mourn with the safety of nearby residents and passing motorists. These video clips were recorded on Tuesday, January 22, 2008. made by hazel

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