Friday, August 6, 2010

A child of 2 years in Indonesia smoking cuts hit a 15-to-day

Indonesia is the smoke cuts child at 15-a-day JAKARTA (AFP) - An Indonesian child smoking chain was reduced to 15 cigarettes a day thanks to "play therapy" concentrated, "said an official of care children Tuesday. Two years Rizal Ardi shocked the world when a video appeared of him smoking a cigarette on the Internet in the last month and drew attention to Indonesia's failure to regulate the tobacco industry. Six months after father gave him his first cigarette, the boy from Sumatra overweightIsland smoked 40 a day and throw violent temper tantrums, but his addiction has been satisfied. Child welfare officials called to try to wean the baby from cigarettes, said that when he played with him, not much smoke. "The boy was able to reduce their cigarette consumption significantly, very quickly after treatment," National Commission for the protection of children chairman Seto Mulyadi AFP. "The therapy focused to play on - we occupied with toys, so that the cigarettes, forget"he said. Ardi developed his addiction to nicotine during his days spent in a traditional market, where both parents worked, "said Mulyadi. Simple toys and someone had to play enough to take his mind off cigarettes, at least for a while '. The therapists also encouraged to associate cigarettes with Ardi bad things. "The boy likes to sing songs, so we to him, if he continues to smoke, will not be able to tell a singer one day, and it works" Said Mulyadi . It 's much easier to help...

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