Thursday, December 30, 2010

Toddler begin asleep in snow - 12 23 09 - New York News and Tri-State News

The death of this little girl is all the more tragic after learning that the three-year-old wandered up to the roof undetected and fell to her death. Shantel Ricco recalls hearing frantic screams coming from the mother of Kyrah Martin as she stood over her child. The little girl was face down in a snow drift outside their Park Place apartment building. "She was screaming standing over her, saying what's wrong," Ricco said. Found in frigid overnight temperatures, the little girl fell to her death four floors from the roof. Police commissioner Raymond Kelly said no other footprints were Found in snow on the roof from where Martin fell shortly after 1:00 am Surveillance cameras in the hallway, police revealed, captured the little girl leaving her apartment alone. Another camera caught her climbing the stairs and going through the door to the roof. "People apparently didn't hear the alarm," Kelly said. As neighbors created a memorial from small toys, police continued talking to the child's parents in hopes of learning when they last saw the child.

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