Saturday, March 19, 2011

Autism symptoms and results

"Autism symptoms can appear on the summary page, but this video shows things like toys in a row, stacking blocks, swinging his head back and forth, and started repetitive behaviors, such as a young boy named Kevin in the act. Look for Kevin to compare the behavior after your child ... or just fall in love this curly cutie. "Terri Mauro Guide to Parenting Special Needs images from the video would help feeling some basic conceptswhich are the key to early identification of children with autism. World Autism Awareness Day http red flags that parents should note: * not applicable to his name to reply. * You can not explain what he wants. * Language skills are developing slowly or language is delayed. * Do not follow. * Sometimes it seems to be deaf. * Do not point or wave bye-bye. "* Being used to say a few words or gossip, but now it does not. * Launch intense or violent tantrums. * Has odd movement patterns. * Excessiveactive, cooperative or resistant. * Do not know how to play with toys. * Do not smile, smile. * Poor eye contact. * It is "stuck" doing the same things over and over and can not move on to other things. * Seems to prefer to play alone. * Get things only for himself. * It is very independent for his age. * Does things "early" compared to other children. * It seems that his "world." * Looks like the people to vote. * Not interested in other children. * Walks to hisToes ...

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