Monday, May 9, 2011

Meet Daisy a Bulldog, English is currently on the Internet for adoption! 2011.02.06 10.17.40

Daisy has the classic good aura around him. She is good with someone grabbed his ears, feet, and embraced it all ... loves attention! His adoptive mother cut her nails and chipped it (big needle = OUCH!) And Daisy just tried to give kisses! It seems to be potty trained when they go to the toilet when he gets out. Daisy as if he were in the box. It does also bring big foot remains within range of a dozen parents, his adoptive mother all the time and takesTrying to ensure that the mother is still there:) Daisy is currently in a foster home with a mix of 5 years, Staffordshire, and one child 2 years. Daisy wants to play with the other dog in the apartment, but it is very good and running fast when the other dog has had enough. It will be fabulous in every dog ​​they met was very friendly and playful with all dogs! It acts like a puppy around other dogs:) 's wonderful with the baby, she follows her around the house and watchesplaying with their toys and tolerates all of their nonsense! Daisy is still trying to figure out the toys, it took a while 'for his adoptive mother, in order to play with a toy in the house, but she begins to understand how much fun they are! Skins is now understood Daisy! They race in their cages, waiting for his socks every morning, when his mother's adoptive mother goes to work. Daisy is the foster mother has allowed parents to remove their skins, and his bowl of food without any problem. Expects onlyYou ...

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