Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Leapfrog Scribble & Write comment ToyQueen

The Scribble & Written by Leap Frog is a great educational tool for children of preschool and elementary youth writing uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet to help. What is great about this toy is that it is a drawing tool for children aged 3 to help not developmentally ready to write letters, with the imitation of all forms of prewriting as a condition for the handwriting as a vertical line, line are circular, horizontal, diagonal squares and triangles. Children, Learning to write letters of the alphabet in kindergarten. Make sure you discuss with your teacher if the child's school curriculum written with capital letters or lower case begins. In evolutionary terms, it is easier, the first full caps before lowercase letters. Make sure you start with a simple letter like L, P, B, take the straight line and leave the letters Z, X, Y to the last, since they are diagonal and are difficult to imitate. A nice penplaced in the rear, which is often easy for small hands to hold. Be sure to encourage your children to see the training and listen to instructions before filling to learn good training habits. Encourage them from top to bottom the formation of a letter. Taking into account the toy in the air so that it is in a vertical plane, as this is also helpful to include the promotion of development.


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