Friday, October 21, 2011

Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life - Intro To Your New Family

Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life - Gamecube. Today I do some brief introducing to your new family, as of chapter 2. ----- Your son: To start out with, interacting with your son is most important in this chapter. If you talk to your son and he says, "Mommy, pick me up!" then you can pick up your son using the Y button. When you're holding him, you can use the Y button to snuggle, the X button to sing a lullaby, and if you tilt the control stick up, you can toss your son in the air. You can let him down using the B button. When your son is walking around normally, you can use the A button to talk to him. He'll say something, or ask you to pick him up. Sometimes he'll even ask you questions. When your son is walking around, you can press the Y button to pick him up. By doing this, you can walk around the town with your son in your arms. This is important, because you can take your son to wherever you choose in town. This is especially important when you're trying to get your son down a certain career path. You can show your son items by taking them out of your rucksack and showing them to him, just like you would with any other villager. Depending on which item you show your son, he may became more interested in a certain career path, so choose wisely! Back at your home, your son has a toybox. He will have a sketchbook automatically, but you can buy more toys from Van. Depending on what toy you buy, it will also sway your son down a certain career path. If you look in ...

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