Monday, March 26, 2012

Spinning autism sign?

**editedit* at 27 months my son was diagnosed with mild autism by ped. developmentalist on his Ados he got 12, I always thought his signs were strong for autism. But now Im confused because since speech therapy he shares sometimes, looks at you sometimes and sometimes says hi now. He spins less. But they said he still lacks it compared to the average child. and he now echos us, and continues to do repeat phrases/ situations. Its hard to tell whats what anymore. Because hes so mild every symptom now it confuses me. At least he'll get the behaviour therapy he needs :) thnks all.**editedit Edit** Hi! thanks for all the responses and msgs, I havent been on youtube in a long time. My son is 25-26 months now, and boy has he improved! He actually points and shares things, he looks more often unless hes focused, his eye contact has improved where he will Loook at me and attempt words. His speech has improved too. Of course I have also been working on a lot of these things since 20 months. So I can't be sure the effects, but i know for sure I had to work harder get him where he is. He also is spacing out less, but there has been episodes his whole body shakes or just arms, so were going to an eeg. The speech therapist says he has a "language disorder" so were working on that. He also has slight sensory issues i know of. He does have mild texture food issues the occupational therapist saod is normal in 2 year olds. His hand flapping has basically stopped/ replaced with clapping ...

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