Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rock Star Mickey comedy and review

We got our Rock Star Mickey 4 days after it hit the stores for my sons 3rd birthday. It was only $49 at Toys R Us as a promo for the first 2 weeks. Now it costs $55. He is obsessed with the toy. When we go to Toys R Us or Target, he still wants to watch the display demo over and over even though he owns one now. He has so much fun dancing with it, does the splits in the middle of the store and gets lots of attention from on looking shoppers. We weren't sure if my son would still play with Rock Star Mickey once we brought it home but he plays with for hours on end by himself. Its actually helps my toddler exercise! So I give this toy props for occupying my son. It plays 2 songs and has a 'rock star training' mode where it explains the dance moves. I give this toy a 5 star rating. Good quality, entertainment, construction, and robotics. Rock Star Mickey is a kind of loud, and there is no volume control. By the way, Mickey does not play the guitar with his nose. It says he does on the box, but he really just lifts the guitar in the air. I wish it had more songs and dance moves like Dance Star Mickey, but he is also $20 less than Dance Star Mickey was, so it's worth it.

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